Month: April 2021
02 Intro To Stocks – Journey From Startup To IPO

Describes the journey of a company from startup to IPO.
The Life of An Auto Loan

Covers the application, repayment plan, and refinancing of an auto loan
Uninsured vs. Under-insured motorist bodily injury coverage – GEICO

Gives a brief explanation of what uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage is in relation to bodily injuries. For related information, see “Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist Property Damage Coverage” by Geico.
How do Trust Funds Work?

Gives an overview of how trusts work and why someone might need a trust
What is Other Structures Coverage?

Describes what falls under other structures coverage and how they relate to the dwelling coverage portion of a homeowners’ insurance policy
Check Definition – What is Check?

Defines what a check is and looks at prominent features on a check
Making Retirement Income Last

Discusses the differences between before and after retirement, the best ways to set up for retirement, and how to allocate income.
What is a Bank? Lessons in Money for Kids

Gives an overview on what banks do, particularly in lending and borrowing funds
Investment Advice : About Money Market Accounts

Explains how money market accounts work and the benefits associated with these accounts. Also looks at the differences between money market accounts and money market funds
What is Loss of Use Coverage?

Explains what expenses fall under loss of use coverage if you are temporarily unable to live under your house (fire, for example). Also discusses the limitations of loss of use coverage