Month: July 2021
Insurance 101 – Homeowners Limits

Gives a brief explanation on the particular limits of property coverage and liability coverage under a home insurance policy
A Timeline for Buying a House (First Time Home Buyers)

Briefly describes the various milestones in buying a house: finding a real estate agent, getting preapproved for a mortgage loan from a lender, finding the home you want, making and accepting an offer, the escrow and inspection process, obtaining the mortgage
TSP Funds – G, F, C, S, I, & L

A playlist of videos that give a brief overview of the funds that people under the Thrift Savings Plan can invest in: G, F, C, S, I, and L (Lifecycle).
Banking 101: Check Please!
Details the different parts of a check
When Should I Open a Checking Account? #JustAskAO
Explains how one’s parents can open a checking account for their middle school or high school student
How To Start Using A Checking Account Properly | Financial Diet
Covers a variety of topics related checking accounts: overdraft fees, other checking account fees, direct deposit/online banking/mobile banking apps, ChexSystems, how much money to put in a checking account
What is a Checking Account? | Banking Basics
Covers the basics of checking accounts, including: what a checking account is, where to find a checking account, minimum balance requirements, the benefits of checking accounts, debit card, and direct deposit
What is escrow? Managing the buying or selling of a home.

Explains how escrow is used during the home buying/selling process
Understanding Medical Payments Coverage and Personal Injury Protection | Allstate Insurance

Gives an overview of how Medical Payment Coverage and Personal Injury Protection can help someone after having a car accident
What is Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist Coverage? | Allstate Insurance
Gives a detailed explanation of how uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage works, and how coverage may differ from state to state in the U.S.