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MoneyABCs | Personal Financial Education Program

Becoming a Homeowner

4 Basic Types of Real Estate Deeds –

Looks at four different types of deeds: General, Specialty Warranty, Bargain and Sale, and Quit Claim

Mortgage Basics: Open or Closed Mortgage

Provides a short description of what an open and closed mortgage is and then compares them.

Real-Estate Deeds Vs. Title (Explained Simply)

Explains how a physical deed can show proof that you have title in a certain property

Tip #10: Broker vs Agent vs Realtor

Looks at how real estate brokers, real estate agents, and realtors relate to each other

What Does a Title Company Do?

Gives an overview of the people who work at a title company and what they do during the home buying/selling process

How Does Escrow Work? What is escrow?

Provides a short explanation about what escrow does during a home buying/selling transaction

Title Insurance Explained Visually

Through funny animation, this video explains why title insurance is important when buying a home

Home Loans, What You Need To Know (2017/2018)

Briefly describes the various milestones in buying a house: finding a real estate agent, getting preapproved for a mortgage loan from a lender, finding the home you want, making and accepting an offer, the escrow and inspection process, obtaining the mortgage

Mortgage Basics – Mortgage 101

Looks at the major features of a mortgage contract: collateral, principal, interest, taxes, and insurance. Also looks at mortgage points.

What is a title company? and why you need them! |

Looks at how a title company determines if there are any judgements, liens, boundary issues, and/or ownership issues with a property. Includes section on title insurance, vesting (who is ultimately the owner of the property), and lender's insurance policy
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